Become a Member
Why Member-led?
Common Roots is governed by a broad and diverse group of individuals in our service area to promote a place-based democratic governance structure that honors input of participating residents and stakeholders.
Members hold a voting stake in Common Roots, promoting an equitable and inclusive community development practice that honors local knowledge.
Membership dues help fund aspects of the organization.
As a member, you will:
help decide the future of Common Roots. Members vote in the annual board election, have a right to run for the board of directors, and vote on major Common Roots decisions such as changes to the bylaws or setting the membership fee.
be invited to Common Roots’ events, such as participatory planning meetings, volunteer events, workshops, celebrations, and fundraisers.
receive a copy of the annual report and be honored in the publication credits.
enjoy the benefit of being proud participants in a democratic organization.
Agreement of Membership
All members are required to participate in at least 2 hours of CRHT activity. Examples of activities include volunteering, joining a workshop or attending the annual meeting.
Members are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting.
Members agree to uphold the values and goals in the Common Roots Mission Statement when they volunteer in any capacity.
Members may be removed for acting in a manner seriously detrimental to the Corporation as outlined in the bylaws.
Who can be a member?
Leesee Members are:
Residents of Common Roots Housing Trust. Only one designated person per household can be a voting member.
General Members are:
Non-residents of Common Roots Housing Trust who must be at least 18 years of age and live in Common Roots’ service area (Columbia and Walla Walla counties and the Milton-Freewater area); or
An organization (private, government, tribal, or non-profit) that is registered by the state in which it operates and is located within Common Roots’ service area as stated above.
Membership Dues:
Memberships are approved or renewed annually when dues are paid
Dues for individuals/households are $1 to $35/year sliding scale (those with higher incomes are encouraged to pay a higher amount)
Dues for Non-profit, tribal or government organization members are $50/year
Dues for for-profit organizations are $100/year.